Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Northlands - Day 2: Through the farm to the beaches!

Prior to coming to New Zealand, we were not at all familiar with the type of hiking that has hikers start out in paddocks with livestock. As one might imagine, this type of hike is super common in NZ. I was fascinated by the baby calves, on their spindly little legs, and with their impossibly large eyes.

I thought it was so funny that the little bed and breakfast where we spent one night provided us with toast and jam and fruit which was all so tasty. The part we didn't eat was the vegemite (marmite.)
Here's Tom and Aidan not eating any Vegemite at all

Here is the little pond outside our cottage where Aidan decided to end the shortest game of hide and seek we've every played. He ended it by trying to hide in the reeds and going ankle deep into the muddy water, and then calling out for help. You may notice that in the next few photos, he's actually wearing my sneakers.

Another awesome climbing tree - check out Aidan's shoes...

Calla lilies - growing everywhere in the wild - I love this place!

Yes, it's another amazingly beautiful beach with not a single soul on it.

Peanut butter and nutella sandwich picnic on the beach!

Jasper's practicing being a rock biter. (we just watched The Never Ending Story for the first time)

This cool shell has been worn away by the ocean till it ended up looking like a rose.

Yes, all these disparate landscapes in one single day. The boys really were this happy all day - and so were their parents.

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