Saturday, November 2, 2013

Northlands - Day 7: Kauri forest

This is the never-ending Northlands trip log.  I swear, it is almost over.  We returned from this trip almost a month ago, so we'd better finish this record of it soon.

On Day 7, we took it easy and hung out in Kerikeri for a while.  It is a charming town with some historic buildings and nice parks.  Here are some boys in trees:

We walked to a nice little waterfall near the town center:

From there, we drove to a place called Waipoua, the last major stand of kauri trees in New Zealand.  There aren't a lot of photos of this place, but not because it wasn't amazing.  Photos can't really capture the grandeur of these trees.  They are the largest trees in New Zealand and have been around since the Jurassic Period.  They are extraordinary trees and one feels small in many ways in their presence.  Here is the top of one of the biggest:

It might be cheating to use Jasper for size comparison, but these are some seriously big trees:

See the fence in the background?  These trees are large.

Here are four growing close together:

Another with Jasper in front of it:

We stayed the night in a place called Opononi where there is a famous harbor.  This place used to be a very busy port, but is now very quiet.  Here is a look from a bluff back at the town of Opononi, where our hotel was:

And here is a shot at sunset across the entrance to the harbor, looking at the sand dunes on the other head:

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