Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Destruction of a Trout

Hello, Tom here.  One of Evelyn's colleagues very kindly gave us a venison steak and a trout.  We haven't cooked the venison yet (it is waiting for us in our freezer), but we decided to make the trout right away.  Unfortunately, this one wasn't fully prepared for us like the last one we'd been gifted.  The fisherman had chopped off the head and tail and then ripped the guts out, but that was about the state of it when we got it.

I am no fish expert, so I did what you do when faced with a task you don't know how to accomplish: I watched YouTube videos.  Funny, all the professional chefs demonstrating how to prepare a trout were cutting up tiny little trouts, nothing like the monster I had on my counter top.  So, I did my best to supersize their instructions.  Here is the beast:

Here it is after I spent some time with a knife trying to destroy it and make it completely inedible.  I nearly succeeded:

Here are the rib bones I removed and the spine I tore out:

At some point, I gave up trying to remove anymore bones and I put it in a pan with oil and garlic.  Here it is, looking unpleasant:

In the end, it was actually delicious and the remaining bones weren't a problem.  Shows what I know.  Here are two big pieces, ready for distribution to the family for dinner:

As consolation for all those gross fish pictures, here is a cool sunset photo.  Ruapehu is in there with snow on top - look closely for it.

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