Sunday, April 6, 2014

Birthday boys!

Hi, Jasper here! Hope you like reading my post! These are some photos of Aidan's and my birthdays.

This is Aidan's birthday. He had two friends over for dinner and cake. We played some games - mostly a long scavenger hunt. Here is everybody showing their tattoos that they got.

Here is a giant cardboard "10" that my mother and I made.

These are some nanoblocks that Aidan got for his birthday from his friend, Ouji. It is a rocket ship.

Here is Aidan's cake. The only problem with looking at the cake from this angle is that the "10" is backwards so it looks like Aidan is turning "01."
This is my birthday and we're all eating dinner. For my birthday,we ate macaroni and cheese with a side of avocado and yogurt and honey. If you didn't like avocado or any of the things in the yogurt then you could have a salad. I thought it was very yummy.

This is us about to play "sock 'em," a game where you have to put as many socks as possible on your body before the music stops. The person with the most socks on them is the winner. (You do not count the socks you are already wearing.)

This is me and my friend Hunter trying to put as many socks as possible on ourselves.

This is a picture of me trying to blow the candle out while they are still singing "Happy Birthday." I had success and my dad had to light the candle again.

Here is my apple pie, again, with the "7" backwards.

This is me giving a thumbs up to my apple pie.

Here are a couple photos of me opening presents.

Now my friends have left and my whole family is playing with glow sticks.

This is the last thing we did before bed. We played a beginner's game of "Suspend" --a game that I got for my birthday from my friend Hunter. It was the best birthday ever!

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